We made it.

Getting settled in here among the boxes – setting up utilities, post office, etc. The move could have gone more smoothly, but all in all the end result has been the same. The landlord here was really cool about us not getting in until really late. He had some chips and dip and frozen pizzas and Mt. Dew and stuff on the counter for us when we got in. He seems like a pretty nice guy.

Had a bit of a scare today regarding tomorrow, which will be my first Wed. night here with the youth. I had made arrangements for a concert here along with a couple other area youth groups coming. The band’s van blew their engine and they got stranded so I was trying to discern a plan B… I had pretty much settled and called Ben to work out a spring concert. He had just gotten off the phone with a guy from some other band who is giving them a ride! So they’ll be here as planned.

This morning, I had my first couple of ‘official’ meeting-type functions: 6:30 elders/staff prayer and 10:00 staff meeting. I had a migraine, so I was pretty out of it for the prayer time, but it seems to be a very strong team of ministry leaders.

I’m looking forward to the ministry God will do here, but the past 10 days has been a long month!

… oh yeah, remind me to tell you the story of Shayne’s baptism sometime…

3 Replies to “We made it.”

  1. I am glad that everything is going great. And also the move did go pretty well. That was a long ride out there, by myself, in a car, with out turning on my radio. Man, wasn’t I crazy. I am glad you asked for me to help you out. I was happy to do it. Need anything else just give me a call. Be happy to help out any way possible. You’ll have fun Wednesday night. Have fun.

  2. Hey mike, I’m glad everything has gone pretty well. It was a pretty long month for all of us. But we are all praying that you will change as many lives there as you did here in Auburn. I wish you the best of luck even thou we still wish you were here. Your first wednesday night will go just fine. If you ever need anything you can call my family and I. Tell everyone I said hi and hope things are going smoothly. Have fun!

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